Hair (IATSE Local 798)     Makeup     Photographer     wardrobe

Anne’s Makeover

My name is Anne. I am a nature girl. Some days I’m in the kayak or the garden and my hair could be classified as a swamp witch hairdo, but when I go to work or occasionally out on the town, I still want to look good, even though I rarely wear makeup.

Crystal’s salon is in the same building I work in and some of the girls I work with also have their hair done by Crystal.

I was making a transition to grey. I just quit dying my hair. I actually got a lot of compliments on this style, but the nearly white with an abrupt change to dark auburn just wasn’t “going grey gracefully.”

The girls from work suggested I go see Crystal.

I did, we set a date and I told Crystal that she is the pro, so whatever she did was going to be just fine with me because I knew that she was going to make it look Oh So Much better than what I had going on.

So the big day came and here is what she did:

Talk about compliments, NOW I get a lot of compliments on my hair!!!! I love the color and style that Crystal did for me!!!! Here is the final result:



